942. Consequences!PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #38, DC Comics, October 1992
CREATORS: Howard Weinstein (writer), Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr (artists)
STARDATE: 8601.6 (follows the last issue)
PLOT: The Enterprise helps the Excelsior with its repairs and the Tabukans explain how their weapons work. Sulu may have an idea how to use the knowledge that the bombs require super-advanced triggers. When McCoy fails to check in, the Enterprise leaves. He and Dr. Wilson are working on patients when freedom fighters blow up the Maroan HQ, and those freedom fighters are willing to kill the two doctors if they try to tend to the Maroan wounded...
CONTINUITY: As the previous issue.
DIVERGENCES: As the previous issue.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Lessons learned from the Romaine fiasco.
REVIEW: There are some cute character bits like Kirk adapting to Sulu's new rank and giving him his space, as well as Scotty's seduction of the innocent, introducing the Excelsior's dry chief engineer to scotch. Uhura and Chekov get a nice, quiet scene as well. However, I have to question the plotting. The Enterprise flies to Excelsior's side, gets to hear some exposition, and then flies right back to McCoy's side. It's a frustrating back and forth that puts the lie to the title. As we learn more about Dr. Abby Wilson, we might think she's actually an old flame, or an old crush, but there's so little chemistry between her and McCoy that it could shape up to be the lamest romance ever. If that's even what Weinstein is gearing up for. I can't quite tell through their flat scenes.