Star Trek 946: A Little Adventure!

946. A Little Adventure!

PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #42, DC Comics, January 1993

CREATORS: Howard Weinstein (writer), Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr (artists)

STARDATE: 8914.6 (follows the last issue)

PLOT: Coming off some boring conferences, McCoy and Scotty hope for an adventure before the Enterprise comes back for them. They decide to help out some Binzalian pilgrims intent on reaching their new home where their pregnant member can give birth to their religion's saviour. McCoy's sure the baby will come before they make it though. Scotty has his own trouble with the Binzalian ship's crappy engine room. Then, the Binzalian authorities show up at the starbase they just left looking for "a dangerous fugitive"...



PANEL OF THE DAY - What one friend wouldn't do for another.
REVIEW: Hey, this was a good bit of fun. Weinstein's Kirk and Spock remain as boring as ever, but whenever he focuses on other pairings, the comic gets fun again. Though his old chestnut of having a factioned alien race is once again used, it's played as a comic character piece, McCoy in particularly good form. I do wonder how the duo can help Binzalians who have just lost a pilot, when neither of them is at the helm though.


Austin Gorton said…
What's Sinestro doing in a Star Trek comic? :)
Siskoid said…
Nothing good, I can assure you!