PUBLICATION: Star Trek: The Next Generation #18, DC Comics, April 1991
CREATORS: Dave Stern and Mike O'Brien (writers), Mike Manley and Robert Campanella (artists)
STARDATE: 43131.4 (between Evolution and The Survivors, but see Divergences)
PLOT: Wesley invents an alternative to the transporter, the hyperport, that promptly beams an alien named Pierce from a plague-ridden planet. He tries to convince Wesley not to pursue the invention and when that doesn't work, infects the ship's water supply with a plague. He explains that he is from the future where Captain Wesley Crusher's use of the hyperport allowed the unfiltered disease to infect his world. He was allowed to go back in time to stop Wesley. Now, the uninfected Data uses the machine to return to the same point and self-destruct, taking the contraption with him and scaring Wes into abandoning it.
CONTINUITY: To create his hyperport, Wesley borrowed ideas from the Iconian Gateway (Contagion).
DIVERGENCES: Despite the stardate to the contrary, the comic it's set between Who Watches the Watchers? [sic] and The Bonding.
PANEL OF THE DAY - One of Starfleet's holy grails was an invention that combined the delicious brewing of coffee and the time-honored hobby of constructing model ships.

Captain Wesley Crusher?