PUBLICATION: Star Trek: The Next Generation #25, DC Comics, November 1991
CREATORS: Michael Jan Friedman (writer), Peter Krause and Pablo Marcos (artists)
STARDATE: 44698.7 (between Identity Crisis and The Nth Degree)
PLOT: Back on Earth, Worf's adopted son, Jeremy Aster, is meeting Alexander for the first time. He finds out that the ¾-Klingon boy would rather live his life as a human. On the Enterprise, Worf wishes he could be there, but that's just not possible. The starship has just found the outrageous Okona's ship empty. They follow back its course to a planet where he is the only life-sign. Troi, Crusher, Data and Worf beam down, but find themselves dressed in ancient clothes. Okona has a lot of explaining to do...
CONTINUITY: Captain Okona and the Erstwhile are from The Outrageous Okona. Jeremy Aster is from The Bonding. Worf's parents appeared in Family. And Alexander was sent to Earth in Reunion.
DIVERGENCES: The colorist has inverted the Ops and Conn positions on the bridge, and thus, Alleby's uniform color.
PANEL OF THE DAY - And it's not just the coloring that's interfering with the costumes...

Also, surely that stardate is during season 4, not season 5?