PUBLICATION: Star Trek: The Next Generation #27, DC Comics, January 1992
CREATORS: Michael Jan Friedman (writer), Peter Krause and Pablo Marcos (artists)
STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)
PLOT: The away team and Okona are on the run from holographic representations of a 1000-year-dead civilization left as a memorial to their dead king. What they don't know is that it's all a mighty tour through the final days of that king, and Okona's been postponing his release by not venturing out into the streets. Once they have, they are allowed to beam away, but not before Okona kisses the hand of "his" simulated warrior-queen.
CONTINUITY: Okona (still from The Outrageous Okona). Riker remembers Minos (The Arsenal of Freedom).
DIVERGENCES: Allenby is again a brunette in an Ops uniform (there is no apparent "helmsman", just two Ops officers).
PANEL OF THE DAY - Some images defy commentary.
