PUBLICATION: Star Trek: The Next Generation #30, DC Comics, April 1992
CREATORS: Michael Jan Friedman (writer), Carlos Garzon and Pablo Marcos (artists)
STARDATE: 45482.6 (between The Masterpiece Society and Conundrum)
PLOT: The Enterprise rushes to save a space station about to be eaten by a rift in space. Riker beams aboard to help with the evacuation and ends up being the only one left behind when the station disappears. Within, he meets the intangible phantoms of people who fell into the rift before him and they're convinced it's impossible to escape...
CONTINUITY: Okona (The Outrageous Okona) still hasn't been reunited with his ship. At least the likeness is better.
DIVERGENCES: The Rift (without the punctuation) is also the title of a TOS novel.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Never let them see you sweat!
