PUBLICATION: Star Trek: The Next Generation #41, DC Comics, December 1992
CREATORS: Michael Jan Friedman (writer), Rob Davis and Pablo Marcos (artists)
STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)
PLOT: While Picard and the Sztazzan fleet are in a deadlock, Data discovers its the artificial structure that transported both the saucer and the Sztazzan flagship to parts unknown. Elsewhere far beyond Federation space, Riker discovers a planet where those responsible for the transport mechanism might live though it seems uninhabited and is incapable of supporting human life. Riker sends an armed party in spacesuits down to the planet, including Sztazzan-hater Terry Oliver, and the Sztazzan are bound to do the same...
CONTINUITY: See last two issues. Serving at Tactical on the battle bridge is Burke (Peak Performance). Alexander's teacher, Miss Kyle (New Ground) and Robin Lefler (The Game) put in an appearances.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Lefler's Rules #26
