1124. Ill Wind, Part TwoPUBLICATION: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ill Wind #2, DC Comics, December 1995
CREATORS: Diane Duane (writer), Deryl Skelton and Pablo Marcos (artists)
STARDATE: 47961.2 (follows the last issue)
PLOT: As the race gets under way, the Enterprise saves one ship from a bomb, notes anomalous spikes in the star's flares and Troi's sudden sleepiness, and witnesses one ship crash into another after an aggressive maneuver. The Mestral remains steadfast in her desire to race despite Picard's warnings, as well as committed to be the head of a planet despite her consort's supplications.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Drama queens
REVIEW: Pablo Marcos lends his inks to Skelton's pencils, which really saves the issue visually. Not that Marcos can do much about the indecipherable mise en scène of the racing scenes, not helped by very odd designs. As for the story, Duane repeats the names of her aliens, but much of last issue's details is lost as predicted (and I only just read it yesterday!). Just why AREN'T there recognizable races in this story? Seems like a missed opportunity. The Mestral is growing into an interesting character with plenty going on, while the cast is universally well written, especially Picard. They do seem to be moving through a plot filled with mini-incidents though, and not a real 4 part structure.