The rules of our game/#86-100
Get ready for the next 15 sexiest ladies in science fiction film and television! What is it about science fiction that seems to pair the genre up with luscious babes? Traditionally, SF has been a boys' club. Since you knew that your audience was largely male, you laid it on thick with other things boys tend to like (action, gadgets and of course, pretty girls in tight outfits). But as confidence is a sexy trait, and as science fiction tended to level the playing field with the sexes (speculating that gender bias would eventually disappear), it was only a matter of time before the stronger female characters attracted female audiences in search of viable role models as well. The effect over time is to have pulled SF out of the ghetto, and in keeping with its growing female audience, multiplied the number of central female characters in these shows and films. Sexiness has begat sexiness...
70. Kristine Kochanski from Red Dwarf (Chloë Annett)
Funny is sexy. Certainly, women think so or I'd never have gotten a date. But the reverse is also true. If there's anything this series has shown, it's that there's nothing sexier than a woman who can break you in half. And while that's usually represented physically, getting "broken" by words is just as sweet. Kristine Kochanski seems to be a state of perpetual annoyance with the morons around her, but that's just the trigger for her sassiness (men are funny, women are sassy, if we get politically correct). I'm no doubt showing my bias here. A cute waitress shuts down my shenanigans with a verbal slap-down and I leave triple the tip. That's just me. Hey, when is Tina Fey going to do a genre movie?
69. Lindsey Brigman from The Abyss (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio)
Mrs. Brigman is a no-nonsense, order the Navy SEALs about, looks good with the wet look, woman. She's also smart as hell if she designed the undersea platform. And then there's the relationship with Bud Brigman that throws off sparks all over the place (and with all that water around too). She's so sexy, she can make her estranged husband fall in love with her all over again (though a near-death experience plays a helping hand). So sexy, James Cameron married her (she was reportedly based on his then-producer Gale Anne Hurd, now doing all those Marvel films).
68. Jadzia Dax from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Terri Farrell)
Dax starts out as something of a cold fish (with cold hands, brrr), albeit with a twinkle in her eye and a tendency to date outside her species. As with too many Star Trek female characters, they made her cerebral and somewhat distant, which keeps the beautiful Terri Farrell from advancing further up on the list. And yet, Dax has her moments. A hot girl-on-girl kiss in Rejoined, censored in certain markets. An ultra-hot Mirror Universe analog. And the chance to have a good sense of humor and play the tigress opposite her par'Machai, Mr. Worf.
67. Sharon Valeri from Battlestar Galactica (Grace Park)
I might as well be talking about the entire Cylon model. Though, of course, Athena is the "good guy", Boomer is probably the sexiest, but in a dangerous, damaged goods kind of way. Girl had sex on the job even before she went traitor, and followed that up with nude tai chi and impersonating another man's woman to get jiggy with it. She's the psycho girlfriend, and yet you can't keep away. You just know your stuff is gonna wind up on the front lawn someday, but you can't help yourself.
66. Peri from Doctor Who (Nicola Bryant)
There is no doubt in any Whovian's mind that Peri is sexy. She was very much designed "for the dads" and from the very first bikini shots was given ample opportunity to showcase her... talents. Unfortunately, Nicola Bryant was saddled with terrible costumes, an irritatingly whiny personality and a nasal fake accent. But she's a real hottie and fun to research on the Internet!
65. T'Pol from Enterprise (Jolene Blalock)
T'Pol was another character designed for sex appeal, one surmises based on the success of Seven of Nine in that area. They just overdid it. The audience knows when it's being played, and the early fixation on almost nudity, greasing T'Pol down in the decontamination chamber, and costumes that put a big bullseye on her breasts was over-egging the pudding. Blalock had trouble with the character too, playing "logical" as "bored". Pouty just wasn't sexy anymore. As the seasons progressed, they got her a cuter hairstyle and slinky, but less obvious uniforms, and Blalock grew into the role. T'Pol became more relaxed, emotional and endearing. Sexiness restored. It also helps that Blalock is an avowed geek and Trekkie, which I'm sure sent the fanboys in a tizzy.
64. Wade Welles from Sliders (Sabrina Lloyd)
Sometimes, there's something about a "girl next door" that is entirely sexy. In other words, just because you're one doesn't mean you can't be the other. Part of the secret is to allow the character to develop romantic chemistry with another, in this case, fellow Slider Quinn. The more he ignored her, the more you wanted to take her in your arms and steal her from him. Regardless, she's a strong, independent woman with feminist leanings. Watch out, boys!
63. Chani from Dune (Barbara Kodetová)
What kind of woman does it take to seduce a Messiah? I never liked Sean Young's Chani, but Czech actress Barbara Kodetová is an exotic beauty that I can believe as a desert warrior woman. She not only beats out David Lynch's Chani, but in her own story, Princess Irulan herself. On paper, Irulan is Paul's wife, but history will remember the concubine as his true partner.
62. Trinity from The Matrix (Carrie Anne Moss)
Speaking of Messiahs, remember how Trinity's kiss is what triggers Neo's resurrection. Definitely another candidate cut from the same cloth as other warrior women. Trinity's look is severe, though leather and inscrutability is attractive, but she also has a softer look outside the Matrix. She's the girl that's just as sexy when she's at home in sweats as when she's all dressed up and out on the town. Plus, "kick your ass" factor in full effect.
61. Diana from V (Jane Badler)
When the Visitors came to Earth, they needed to seduce humanity. As soon as Diana walked out of that ship, we were. So what if she's a big lizard and eats guinea pigs whole? There's something about a bad girl...
60. Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica (Katee Sackhoff)
Not all bad girls are on the side of evil. Just as the original Starbuck, Dirk Benedict, was something of a sex idol, the new Starbuck is too. She's one of the boys (the Battlestar universe doesn't really have gender bias), but also "cleans up nice". And she's a total mess, likes it rough and is, in short, dangerous to be around. She's a maneater, but hides a vulnerability that makes you want to love her. When you're not hating her. All the ingredients you need for maximum chemistry. Starbuck sparks off HERSELF. Be careful, her kisses are bites.
59. Lt. Shane Vansen from Space: Above and Beyond (Kristen Cloke)
What is it about a girl in uniform? I think it's an offshoot of the sexy librarian phenomenon. Military women, by their lack of overtness, hide a sensuality you ache to unlock. Vansen is tough as nails, but when she's allowed to let her hair down, whoa Nelly! She's a real hottie. Cloke was named #9 of Sci-Fi's Sexy 50 by Femme Fatales magazine in 1997. It's now 2010 and Space: Above and Beyond (and Millenium) are a bit far behind, but some of us still remember.
58. Princess Leia from Star Wars (Carrie Fisher)
This week's controversial entry is geek icon "Princess Leia in a chainmail bikini". Face it, while Leia has the proper confident, sassy attitude that makes one sexy, much of her reputation for sexiness stems from this costume. I'm only hoping the collar and chain aren't part of the attraction for you. To me, the sex slave look is only surface sexiness and I never got into that whole thing. Leia, in fact, undercut her sexiness in the fist film by 1) taking "sassy" too far towards "irritating" and 2) having no sense of style. She styles better in subsequent films, but the damage was done (kissing your brother isn't sexy either). I recognize she is a sex idol to a whole generation though. Feel free to put her in your own personal top 10.
57. Col. Wilma Deering from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Erin Gray)
Wilma sure knows how to pour herself into a slinky outfit, but that wouldn't mean as much if she wasn't also a strong woman who saves Buck Rogers' bacon on a regular basis. She ain't no damsel in distress. An early example of what I was talking about at the top of the post, Wilma Deering apparently inspired a lot of women to go into the military. She's a smart leader and competent action hero, but hasn't sacrificed her femininity in the process.
56. Lisa from Weird Science (Kelly LeBrock)
Built from a barbie doll, cut-up Playboys and government-stolen power, Lisa should have been just another artificial fantasy woman. But as soon as she walked in the door with her 80s hair and English accent, she became the quintessential 80s sex symbol. Not only is she hot hot hot, but all she really wants is for you to get the cred you need to grow up and get with some real girls. Sexy science genie! She mothers you, but in the sexy way your mom can't, taking care of your bullies and making everyone jealous. You can't hate her because she's beautiful, as the commercial goes. Definitely more than the sum of her parts.
Part 4 takes us deeper down the Amazon river. See you in seven!

70. Kristine Kochanski from Red Dwarf (Chloë Annett)

69. Lindsey Brigman from The Abyss (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio)

68. Jadzia Dax from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Terri Farrell)

67. Sharon Valeri from Battlestar Galactica (Grace Park)

66. Peri from Doctor Who (Nicola Bryant)

65. T'Pol from Enterprise (Jolene Blalock)

64. Wade Welles from Sliders (Sabrina Lloyd)

63. Chani from Dune (Barbara Kodetová)

62. Trinity from The Matrix (Carrie Anne Moss)

61. Diana from V (Jane Badler)

60. Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica (Katee Sackhoff)

59. Lt. Shane Vansen from Space: Above and Beyond (Kristen Cloke)

58. Princess Leia from Star Wars (Carrie Fisher)

57. Col. Wilma Deering from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Erin Gray)

56. Lisa from Weird Science (Kelly LeBrock)

Part 4 takes us deeper down the Amazon river. See you in seven!
One of the great things about those extras is that even though the show is incredibly dark, the people who make seem to have an incredible amount of fun doing it, and everyone has a great sense of humor.
Lazarus lupin
art and review
Seven will get her due, but she isn't the sexiest of Star Trek's leading ladies. But no spoilers ;)