1338. Turnaround, Part IVPUBLICATION: Star Trek: New Frontier #4, IDW Comics, July 2008
CREATORS: Peter David (writer), Stephen Thompson (artist)
STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)
PLOT: Soleta and the real Jellico take back the Paradox with Morgan's help, but their victory is short-lived as McHenry puts the sentient computer entity out of business. He's not "our McHenry, he's an evil McHenry from the other universe. On New Thallon, Robin Lefler stands up to the councilors and won't have them take her baby when it's born. The Paradox and alt-Calhoun's ship attack Station Bravo and the USS Trident, apparently heading for a rift, which will destroy them both. Reinforcements arrive in the form of the Excalibur and the Specter...
CONTINUITY: See previous issues (Jellico, New Frontier). M'Ress and Arex (TAS) are still alive and serving aboard the USS Trident (after being displaced in time in the NF novel Cold Wars).
PANEL OF THE DAY - Did you suspect?
REVIEW: Penultimate issues have to set things up for a finale, but don't often have much in the way of substantial happenings. That's the case here, though we learn that McHenry is an alternate. There are also alt versions of Lefler and Kalinda. But where do they come from? Best bet is the Mirror Universe, since they are either evil or sexually creepy. It could be something else, but that revelation better blow the doors off their hinges. Right now, it seems so obvious, it's a wonder it isn't referred to. I also take issue with how the large cast is used. David keeps everybody in it, but there isn't a core to follow through Turnaround. Soleta has been the protagonist in the last couple issues, but nothing's really been done with Shelby since issue 2, and even the Excalibur has been idling since the last couple issues (Kebron's slide show is taking forever, which I realize is the point). Lefler gets a page or two per issue, but it feels disconnected from the rest of the story. All is revealed next issue. Issue 4 just holds the torch until then.