1354. Mirror Images, Part 5
PUBLICATION: Star Trek: Mirror Images #5, IDW Comics, November 2008
CREATORS: Scott and David Tipton (writers), David Messina (artist)
STARDATE: 1299.7 (follows the last issue)
PLOT: Pike is angry at Henshaw for not killing Kirk, but can't get anything out of him. He sends an assassin to kill Kirk, but that assassin disappears before his eyes, the work of the Tantalus Device. Torturing McCoy proves more fruitful. The doctor sends Pike to Kirk's quarters where he discovers the device. Kirk surprises him there and they fight until Henshaw arrives to give Kirk the advantage. Kirk then disintegrates Pike with the device and takes command of the ship. Turns out Spock was working with him all along to slow down Pike's investigations.
CONTINUITY: See previous issues (Mirror Universe, Pike, Lee Kelso, Tantalus Device). Both an agonizer and an agony booth (Mirror, Mirror) are used on Kirk's allies. First appearance of Mirror Nurse Chapel.
DIVERGENCES: Mirror Lee Kelso looks very different from TV's Lee Kelso (a hulking brown-haired goon), if that is indeed Kelso.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Nurse Chapel is a bit cold in that halter top.
REVIEW: A great finish! You've got Kirk playing kissy with a hot Nurse Chapel. You've got Spock logically getting himself promoted. You've got Pike gangstering it up by holding his phaser at a 90 degree angle. And you've got a really well choreographed and exciting brawl between Pike and Kirk. Because really, you want the Mirror Universe to be violent and gritty. It was a foregone conclusion that Pike would go the way of the Tantalus field, but a visceral fight is so much more satisfying. We get it all. The Brothers Tipton do a really good job of giving Kirk the allies and enemies he has in Mirror, Mirror and we're well set up for that episode. The only thing missing is Marlena, but she would have come aboard later.
PUBLICATION: Star Trek: Mirror Images #5, IDW Comics, November 2008
CREATORS: Scott and David Tipton (writers), David Messina (artist)
STARDATE: 1299.7 (follows the last issue)
PLOT: Pike is angry at Henshaw for not killing Kirk, but can't get anything out of him. He sends an assassin to kill Kirk, but that assassin disappears before his eyes, the work of the Tantalus Device. Torturing McCoy proves more fruitful. The doctor sends Pike to Kirk's quarters where he discovers the device. Kirk surprises him there and they fight until Henshaw arrives to give Kirk the advantage. Kirk then disintegrates Pike with the device and takes command of the ship. Turns out Spock was working with him all along to slow down Pike's investigations.
CONTINUITY: See previous issues (Mirror Universe, Pike, Lee Kelso, Tantalus Device). Both an agonizer and an agony booth (Mirror, Mirror) are used on Kirk's allies. First appearance of Mirror Nurse Chapel.
DIVERGENCES: Mirror Lee Kelso looks very different from TV's Lee Kelso (a hulking brown-haired goon), if that is indeed Kelso.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Nurse Chapel is a bit cold in that halter top.
REVIEW: A great finish! You've got Kirk playing kissy with a hot Nurse Chapel. You've got Spock logically getting himself promoted. You've got Pike gangstering it up by holding his phaser at a 90 degree angle. And you've got a really well choreographed and exciting brawl between Pike and Kirk. Because really, you want the Mirror Universe to be violent and gritty. It was a foregone conclusion that Pike would go the way of the Tantalus field, but a visceral fight is so much more satisfying. We get it all. The Brothers Tipton do a really good job of giving Kirk the allies and enemies he has in Mirror, Mirror and we're well set up for that episode. The only thing missing is Marlena, but she would have come aboard later.