Source: Superman vol.2 #136-138 (1998)
Type: Alternate reality
It's my 3000th post! Damn, another year and this Superman would have slotted right in! Ah well. This is from the Kismet-Dominus storyline from the late 90s in which each of the Superman titles featured a different "reality" pulled from past versions of the Man of Steel. There was the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the 70s Bronze Age and... 2999. In effect, this is the post-Crisis version of the Future Superman of 2965. At the time, I had no idea he'd had antecedents in the 60s. Ah, the wonders of research.
So Siskoid, you might ask, didn't you just do this character yesterday? Well, there are some important differences wrought by the Crisis/Dominus aside from the updated year. We're at the start of Superman XXIX's career (seems I was off my a generation), placing this story before the original 2965 one, and he's still the latest in a long line of Supermen. His secret identity is as Klar Ken 5477 (note the missing T this time), but he still has the same supporting cast, including the computer Perry (now more of a robot), Lyra/Lois and Jay/Jimmy. There wasn't a Luthor in the previous version, but here it's mentioned that the line of Luthors have always been thorns in the Supermen's sides. Superman XVIII in fact lost his life bringing a Luthor to justice. For #19, that Luthor's daughter Lena proves to be something of an ally... as well as hot competition for Lyra's affections.
Hot in an 2980s kind of way. Because that's a notable difference: Lyra likes Superman more than Klar. Another hint that this isn't your father's future is that its Batman isn't the same at all. He's just called the Bat and along with other legacy heroes, some new guys, what appears to be a long-lived Wonder Woman, and Klar's kid sister Kara, he helps form the Justice Alliance.
So if Luthor is a good girl, who's the villain? Turns out it's the first chronological appearance of Muto!
Yes, he's back, though his origin story has changed somewhat. Instead of being bombarded by cosmic radiation as a baby flying through a space anomaly, the anomaly led him to a dimension of robots who experiments on him. Now he controls them and wants revenge on the Superman line who chased his parents into the anomaly. The more things change...
Type: Alternate reality
