Source: Superman Monster GN (1999)
Type: Elseworlds
The Superman story/myth doesn't immediately inspire gothic horror, but it does include a mad scientist and so writers Abnett and Lanning re-casts Mary Shelley's Dr. Frankenstein as Viktor Luthor, who comes across a downed Kryptonian birth matrix containing the remains of baby Kal-El.
Even as he woos Morgan Edge's daughter Eloise (Lois?) to get her father's money, he works obsessively on the matrix hoping to create life from death. A few black market cadavers, a strange "S" plate and a lightning storm later, he's created something superhuman that soon gets away from him.
Just like in Shelley's novel, the monster finds its way to a farm where he is - not like the novel - adopted by the farm folk. And so Klaus Kant learns how to read and so on. Of course, Luthor wants to kill his flawed creation and attacks the farmhouse, hurting the monster with a green crystal that was part of the ship, and killing the kindly old Kants. The monster is not dead, however, and comes to seek revenge on the day of Frankenluthor's wedding. Ricochet off the monster's chest wounds Edge and kills Eloise. Luthor captures the monster, smothers Edge, mortally wounds his friend James Olafson, and attempts to resurrect Eloise with the Kryptonian matrix.
All in a day's work for an evil mad scientist. If you're old school about your Lois Lane, you want her to end up with Superman. You get your wish as the monster gets his bride and they leave Luthor to his madness. That's in fact how Peregrine White came by the story, trapped on the ice flows on a ship with mad Viktor when the monster came for his creator and freed the ship from the ice. And in the cold wastes of the Baltics, sailors say they sometimes see a strange figure and its bride, but of the man of science, no one has seen hide nor hair of him...
Happy Halloween!
Type: Elseworlds

Happy Halloween!
Have you read the Batman/Frankenstein mash-up, Castle of the Bat?