Source: Action Comics #296 (1963)
Type: Red K transformation
Hide the picnic basket, it's one of the most famous Red Kryptonite transformations on record!
While giant ants are invading the Earth and apparently using Green Kryptonite to keep Superman at bay, he flies into a cloud of Red K (this thing's been hanging around since Superboy #101) that gives you temporary immunity to Green K AND whatever head you concentrate on. It's the Silver Age, folks, and stuff happens because the script says it does. Don't question it.
Superman flies in with his ant-head to save Lois whom they're trying to make their queen, and starts communicating with them with his new antennae. He discovers they're really friendly and have come with a message of peace. The humans on their world destroyed themselves in a nuclear holocaust, the fallout of which super-evolved them into giant, intelligent ants. They traveled to other worlds where the same thing happened, giving way to the rise of plant or mineral intelligences. Then they saw Earth was fooling around with atomic bombs, so they came by, but crashed. Unable to communicate with us, they were just trying to build a new rocketship (run by liquid Green K fuel, if you'll believe it, and you must --> Silver Age) and then jog Superman's super-intelligence by kidnapping Lois (SILVER AGE, I SAY!!!). They leave, it's all fine, Lois wins another Pulitzer. And Superman is left to transmit the ants' message of peace to the United Nations:
Cough, cough.
Type: Red K transformation

While giant ants are invading the Earth and apparently using Green Kryptonite to keep Superman at bay, he flies into a cloud of Red K (this thing's been hanging around since Superboy #101) that gives you temporary immunity to Green K AND whatever head you concentrate on. It's the Silver Age, folks, and stuff happens because the script says it does. Don't question it.
Superman flies in with his ant-head to save Lois whom they're trying to make their queen, and starts communicating with them with his new antennae. He discovers they're really friendly and have come with a message of peace. The humans on their world destroyed themselves in a nuclear holocaust, the fallout of which super-evolved them into giant, intelligent ants. They traveled to other worlds where the same thing happened, giving way to the rise of plant or mineral intelligences. Then they saw Earth was fooling around with atomic bombs, so they came by, but crashed. Unable to communicate with us, they were just trying to build a new rocketship (run by liquid Green K fuel, if you'll believe it, and you must --> Silver Age) and then jog Superman's super-intelligence by kidnapping Lois (SILVER AGE, I SAY!!!). They leave, it's all fine, Lois wins another Pulitzer. And Superman is left to transmit the ants' message of peace to the United Nations:

Superman flies in with his ant-head to save Lois whom they're trying to make their queen
Of course they are...