Source: Superman #181, Action Comics #338-339, and World's Finest Comics #166 (1965-67)
Type: Alternate future
...and of 2966 and 2967.
Yes, soooooo different. He doesn't have a spit curl. And his name is Klar Ken T-5477 and he works for the Daily InterPlanetary News. Nothing at all like the Superman of 1965.
All facetiousness aside, it's an intriguing concept. Not an imaginary story, though Silver Age Superman stories were filled with them, Klar was meant to be the honest to goodness descendant of Superman. He may be the 20th in the line (according to his last story, if he and Batman are of the same generation). Surprisingly, there is no decrease in Kryptonian powers despite what must be generations of breeding with weaker stock (unless... no, I have it on good authority marrying your cousin is illegal on Krypton).
But back to 2965. Like i was saying, the Superman 1000 years hence is no weaker than our own Superman. He may actually be tougher:
They now have a different Achilles' heel: The polluted oceans of Earth paralyzes them. No meeting the Future Aquaman of 2965, I guess. Klar uses the same indestructible costume the original Superman did. Let's hope it's also stink-proof. His Fortress of Solitude is an invisible orbital satellite. Because he's a reporter, no one questions the "telescopic spectacles he wears to hide his dual identity, certainly not his editor-in-chief.
Klar has his own version of Lois, Lyra 3916, who's no doubt been tapped to bear Superman XXI, though she doesn't know it yet. The twist: She likes Klar, but not Supes! As for his Lex Luthor, it's the equally bald criminal Muto. His story isn't told until the Action issues, by which time it's 2966. Muto has amazing mental powers and wishes to end the Superman line once and for good. His latest ploy was to steal a banned super-weapon called the expander.
Ok, so NOT what all those emails are trying to sell me. Obviously, Superman defeats him. In World's Finest, Muto teams up with the Joker of 2967, forcing Superman to team up with the Batman of that era. Yes, Bron Wayne E7705!
Now, here's my question. The narrator swears up and down that this isn't an imaginary story and that it's Superman's actual future. If so... what about the Legion of Super-Heroes? Wouldn't they have been active (along with Superboy) during these very years? (Yes, I've found a way of making Legion continuity even more complicated.)
To be continued tomorrow...
Type: Alternate future

Yes, soooooo different. He doesn't have a spit curl. And his name is Klar Ken T-5477 and he works for the Daily InterPlanetary News. Nothing at all like the Superman of 1965.
All facetiousness aside, it's an intriguing concept. Not an imaginary story, though Silver Age Superman stories were filled with them, Klar was meant to be the honest to goodness descendant of Superman. He may be the 20th in the line (according to his last story, if he and Batman are of the same generation). Surprisingly, there is no decrease in Kryptonian powers despite what must be generations of breeding with weaker stock (unless... no, I have it on good authority marrying your cousin is illegal on Krypton).

To be continued tomorrow...
Love those covers, the captions and every thing scream comics. 'Sigh' when did seriousness ever outrank good fun copy?
Too many comics covers these days are generic pin-ups! They could be on any issue. Lame!