Rip Hunter's Blackboard

We're starting our Time Masters series for the DC Adventures RPG today, and I thought I'd spoil Rip's blackboard for you. It hints at the first few scenarios I'd like to run my guys through. Click the image for a more legible size.I couldn't find a convenient way to use a real dry-erase board on the wall behind me, so I just printed this sucker out in 11x17 and stuck it in front of my GameMaster's screen.


SallyP said…
Most...intriguing. The grocery list is my favorite of course. Who doesn't want Wayne DNA? It's delicious!
Siskoid said…
That remains a mystery as of our first session.

One player imagined a chicken-cow-Batman hybrid. We laughed, but now we're all a-tizzy about using B'Wana Beast.
Lazarus Lupin said…
Once I did a modern day call of cthulhu campaign and plastered the kitchen with sticky note clues and weirdness everywhere so that if someone went for a coke they would find the cryptic "Ghouls? Terrorists?"

Lazarus Lupin
art and review
Siskoid said…
I love that!

I'm probably going to run an email/msn terror campaign for some PCs soon.