Reign of the Supermen #34: Overman of Earth-17

Source: Animal Man #23-24 (1990)
Type: Alternate Earth villainOne of the guys who REALLY didn't want to be expunged from the universe in Grant Morrison's Crisis II was Overman. Infected by a sex virus, Overman went mad and destroyed his world. He shows up at Psycho-Pirate's reunion of never-will-bes with an atomic bomb, and only Animal Man, harnessing the power of pure comics can stop him.
Beware of fast-closing panels.


rob! said…
This Animal Man series would make a great AMC tv show.
Jeff R. said…
It never occurred to me before, but that panel makes this character start looking an awful lot like a critique of Veitch's Maximortal (who I presume is coming fairly soonish...)
Siskoid said…
I don't know about soon, but he's on the list.