Source: Superman #139 (1960)
Type: Red K transformation
"The Untold Story of Red Kryptonite" is perhaps the lamest Red K story of all time (but feel free to propose your own nominees). First of all, it's a clip show, with Superman recalling every instance of his encountering Red K either as Superboy or Superman, and that makes the title bogus. The framing tale itself has everyone telling Superman not to go down into the ocean to save a submarine crew because the Red K meteor down there is too dangerous (yes, even the submarine crew would rather die than have Superman become fat or something). He does so anyway and is exposed.
When he gets to the Daily Planet to brag about his adventure, he's got long hair and fingernails and a beard. Ooooh. He really should have let those submariners die because now Lois Lane will be on to him. If Clark Kent shows up with a beard and ponytail, she'll know! So Superman does the only thing he can. He blows his super-dog whistle that can be heard by Krypto in outer space and summons both his dog and Supergirl (sadly, by the same means) so they can heat vision his beard and nails away.
And now, another episode of Playing Sims with the Superheroes:
Type: Red K transformation

When he gets to the Daily Planet to brag about his adventure, he's got long hair and fingernails and a beard. Ooooh. He really should have let those submariners die because now Lois Lane will be on to him. If Clark Kent shows up with a beard and ponytail, she'll know! So Superman does the only thing he can. He blows his super-dog whistle that can be heard by Krypto in outer space and summons both his dog and Supergirl (sadly, by the same means) so they can heat vision his beard and nails away.
And now, another episode of Playing Sims with the Superheroes:

You won't be able to guess, Clark. That's what "unpredictable" means.
Also, I'm sure that sentence should end with a question mark. Don't you write for a living?
YAY! I found something that made sense in the story!!!