Doctor Who: New Series 6 Trailer

Yes, I know I'm doing a lot of these lately, but that's a function of my awaiting with baited breath the 6th series of Doctor Who, which starts around Easter. We just got a new trailer:

How awesome is this?

Stuff to look for...
0:09. River Song relationship escalation!
0:11. Coming out of a crack? What's on the other side?
0:24. River Song cool action!
0:30: The 11th Doctor certainly has gotten over his survivor's guilt!
0:37: The RTD era TARDIS revisited!
0:47: Amy makes a dreadful mistake... are we meant to believe SHE is River, killing the "best man [she's] ever known"? I'm not convinced - hell of a prison stay, for one thing - but let the rumors fly!

Screw chocolate eggs, I know what I'M waiting for!


Anonymous said…
"0:37: The RTD era TARDIS revisited!"

What, a clown with a balloon in a motel room? Worst TARDIS design ever.

(Then I discovered I was off by a second or two.)
LiamKav said…
Although I can see the 7th Doctor going for a similar look.

Still, good spot. Did that look like regeneration energy, or something else?
Jeff R. said…
Time to re-evaluate Silence guesses too...the figure given is too low-ball for a lot of the candidates, too high for others, and too boastful for still more. And it argues strongly but not completely against any of the Gallifreyan ones. Although Morbius now moves to the top of that sub-list, I think. And the Valeyard, of course, is right out. Probably also rules out the seasion 2 Beast, unless it's conflated with Sutekh, a fair candidate in himself right now...
Siskoid said…
I never believed in that Valeyard stuff. My thinking is that it's someone new, although its "nature" will be a revelation.

I'm thinking something along the lines of "Old Ones" or the Great Vampires, some figure or race that existed as the dawn of time (or earlier), an ancient enemy of the Time Lords. We'll learn something new about TL history, but it won't be a returning character.
Paul C said…

Is that David Tennant in the right of the screen? I can make out sideburns.
Siskoid said…
Not sure, a lot of people think it's Rory.
Craig Oxbrow said…
Yeah, looks like Rory.

Who notably isn't in the flailing-with-a-gun-and-shocked-reactions bit at the end. Killing him again perchance?
Radagast said…
Not to be outdone, BBC America has made their own, with many scenes different:
Siskoid said…
Just saw it on Hero Press. I guess that's my Monday post!