As we say goodbye to the DC Universe As We Knew It this week, I thought it might be interesting to check out our poor, about-to-be-rebooted heroes' last words before Reality put the key in lock and the chairs on the tables, turned off the lights, and reopened with a new sign over the door (though not under new management). I'll be waiting for you at the end with a box of tissue or a stress ball, your choice.
Batgirl: "It's only the end if you want it to be." (Batgirl #24 by Bryan Q. Miller)
Batman (Dick Grayson): "All that's left to do is hang our hats, belly up to the bar, and be ready for what comes next." (Detective Comics #881 by Scott Snyder)
Booster Gold: "This is so weird. Like the only thing I know for sure... is that I gotta get me a new suit." (Booster Gold #47 by Dan Jugens)
Gotham City Sirens: "Nothing prepares you for the end. All we can hope for... is after everything is over... and the darkness has claimed us... there will finally... be calm." (Catwoman in Gotham City Sirens #26 by Peter Calloway)
Green Lantern: "This isn't how it's supposed to end." (Green Lantern #67 by Geoff Johns)
Justice League of America: "Try as you might, I can guarantee not everyone is going to forget you." "That was fun, Dick, and I'm glad I got to do it with you." "Me too. It's been a blast, Don, but all things must end. Ready?" "Sure." "Okay." (Dick Grayson and Donna Troi in Justice League of America #60 by James Robinson)
Justice Society of America: "What do we do now?" "What we do. What we always do. We go on. We rebuild. We endure." (Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick in Justice Society of America #54 by Marc Guggenheim)
Power Girl: "Okay, boys. Let's go over this point-by-point and you tell me just exactly what the hell this was all about. And don't leave anything out. After all, we've got all the time in the world." (Power Girl #27 by Matthew Sturges)
Red Robin: "It's my city now if I want it to be. Not Dick's. Not Bruce's. Mine. But to make it that way... to make it right... what will I have to become? So many choices... but what will be my decision..?" (Red Robin #26 by Fabian Nicieza)
Secret Six: "I couldn't sway, slow or stop them. So they went out the hard way." (The Huntress in Secret Six #36 by Gail Simone)
Superboy: "But now I know I'll never be normal. I was born in a test tube in a lab. I wear a costume and fight bad guys. And my friends aren't normal either. But maybe that just means I'm not so different after all. I'm Superboy, and this is Smallville... and there's nowhere I'd rather be." (Superboy #11 by Jeff Lemire)
Supergirl: "People like Supergirl, they have a way of sticking around. But you and me... just... don't forget me, okay?" (Supergirl #67 by Kelly Sue DeConnick)
Superman: "I married you Clark, but I dedicated my life to truth long before I met you. I'm not going to turn my back on that even if it does mean losing you." "And that's why you never will." (Lois Lane and Superman in Superman #714 by Chris Roberson)
Teen Titans: "Old. New. It doesn't matter. As long as there are Titans, we will have a tower. Titans together. Titans forever." (Red Robin in Teen Titans #100 by J.T. Krul)
Wonder Woman: "She will always be her daughter, Diana of Themyscira. Live or die, we will remain Amazons. And I will always be Wonder Woman." (Wonder Woman #614 by Phil Hester)
Zatanna: "mralA kcolc og ot lleh." (Zatanna #16 by Adam Beechen)

Batman (Dick Grayson): "All that's left to do is hang our hats, belly up to the bar, and be ready for what comes next." (Detective Comics #881 by Scott Snyder)
Booster Gold: "This is so weird. Like the only thing I know for sure... is that I gotta get me a new suit." (Booster Gold #47 by Dan Jugens)
Gotham City Sirens: "Nothing prepares you for the end. All we can hope for... is after everything is over... and the darkness has claimed us... there will finally... be calm." (Catwoman in Gotham City Sirens #26 by Peter Calloway)
Green Lantern: "This isn't how it's supposed to end." (Green Lantern #67 by Geoff Johns)

Justice Society of America: "What do we do now?" "What we do. What we always do. We go on. We rebuild. We endure." (Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick in Justice Society of America #54 by Marc Guggenheim)
Power Girl: "Okay, boys. Let's go over this point-by-point and you tell me just exactly what the hell this was all about. And don't leave anything out. After all, we've got all the time in the world." (Power Girl #27 by Matthew Sturges)
Red Robin: "It's my city now if I want it to be. Not Dick's. Not Bruce's. Mine. But to make it that way... to make it right... what will I have to become? So many choices... but what will be my decision..?" (Red Robin #26 by Fabian Nicieza)
Secret Six: "I couldn't sway, slow or stop them. So they went out the hard way." (The Huntress in Secret Six #36 by Gail Simone)
Superboy: "But now I know I'll never be normal. I was born in a test tube in a lab. I wear a costume and fight bad guys. And my friends aren't normal either. But maybe that just means I'm not so different after all. I'm Superboy, and this is Smallville... and there's nowhere I'd rather be." (Superboy #11 by Jeff Lemire)
Supergirl: "People like Supergirl, they have a way of sticking around. But you and me... just... don't forget me, okay?" (Supergirl #67 by Kelly Sue DeConnick)
Superman: "I married you Clark, but I dedicated my life to truth long before I met you. I'm not going to turn my back on that even if it does mean losing you." "And that's why you never will." (Lois Lane and Superman in Superman #714 by Chris Roberson)
Teen Titans: "Old. New. It doesn't matter. As long as there are Titans, we will have a tower. Titans together. Titans forever." (Red Robin in Teen Titans #100 by J.T. Krul)

Zatanna: "mralA kcolc og ot lleh." (Zatanna #16 by Adam Beechen)
Pass me a stress ball. The execution of the end of the DCU was pretty rough, Batgirl being the worst example I saw with 7 splash pages and a mashed up ending.
Is it too much to ask for DC to finish its stories before moving on to something else?
This is such a terrible example of tin ear dialogue that I can't help but find it funny.
Not all endquotes are created equal!
I'm very juvenile sometimes.