Kung Fu Friday Moments: Born to Fight!

Maybe it's because I'm thinking of putting Shaolin Soccer on December's movie list, but I really wanted to share one of our VERY FAVORITE KFF moments with you today and it is sports-related. You see, my first Tony Jaa Action Team movie wasn't Ong-Bak or The Protector. It didn't even feature Tony Jaa. No, it was BORN TO FIGHT, a great big can of whup-ass in which ACTUAL Thai sports stars and Olympic athletes touring impoverished villages get thrown into a warzone when Burmese terrorists move in. The terrorists' mistake? Letting the entire Thai national anthem play on the radio, rousing these kids to action, and to using their mad skills to kill the living hell out of the bad guys to a relentless electro-beat. Our favorite part, of course, comes at the end of the following video when the little girl gets revenge for her father's murder:

That's not the end of it either. As the action continues, another much-loved bit turns up. No subtitles here, but the move the little girl calls for is translated as "AXE OF THOR!!!" on Dragon Dynasty's DVD. Indeed!

And if that kinda looks like the climax to something, it isn't. Not only does this particular fight go on for a couple more minutes, but it's in the MIDDLE of the film. Interested parties can find the rest on You-Tube, or better yet, get the movie on DVD so you can get the translation and nuances of a script that calls for the Burmese to nuke Bangkok from an outlying Buddhist village!

Born to Fight - one of the big reasons why Kung Fu Fridays has been a tradition for over two years.
