"If you can speak Elvish or Klingon, you might be a geek..."
With episode 4, I'm having a guest-star over, my good friend Furn (master of the Battle Shovel) who will be playing Skyrim live in the studio. By the time this post is up, it'll have been either a brilliant move of geekery or a complete, noisy disaster. We'll see! To go with the Skyrim idea, most of the show is Swords & Sorcery themed in both features and music. As usual, if you couldn't listen or understand the French interventions, here's the episode's playlist, with You-Tube links where available.
Intro tune: Doctor Who IX - Murray Gold
Talk to the Wookie - James Kochalka Superstar (one of Furn's claims to fame is a memorable improv in which he played a Wookie, so this is by way of introduction)
Geek News: The headlines included new movie trailers in the wake of the Superbowl and the controversy surrounding Ghost Rider's creator
Hara Kiri - Kevin McIntyre
Comics recommendation: Joe the Barbarian
Super Héros - Les Castafiores
Comics round-up: Basically a few of the week's tweeted comic book reviews.
Into the West - Annie Lennox
Movie recommendations: Furn and I list various good Sword & Sorcery films under various categories (epic, romance, spoof, pure cheese, etc.)
Rivendell - Rush
Geek Band: Quebec Medievalist prog rock band Bakküs whose one album, Avatar cannot be found on You-Tube but IS on GrooveShark.
Spectres - Bakküs
Venin - Bakküs
I Am Murloc - L70ETC
Geek 101: This week, I explain MMORPGs to the Mundanes, and follow it up with a little He-Man and the Masters of the Universe block:
He-Man Theme Song
What's Up - 4 Non Blondes (the original song HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA covers)
Goodbyes and your Doctor Who theme remix of the week:
The Doctor's Theme (for Amanda) - Matthew Jason Walsh
The show's on CKUM Radio every Saturday between 7 PM and 8:30 PM Atlantic Time (-4 GMT) on 93,5 FM in the Moncton area, or online, while capacity isn't exceeded, HERE.
Screencaps from Furn's Skyrim game
His challenge was to do the opening dungeon and dragon battle using only his FISTS, and in under 90 minutes too. Does he make it?
Why yes, yes he does. And only died once, during the dragon battle. Even time to spare to use PowerWord TableClear in the castle. Way to go Furn! And thanks for attempting this odd little feature on the radio show!
Follow "Geek Out"'s entire journey on Furn's Photobucket account.
With episode 4, I'm having a guest-star over, my good friend Furn (master of the Battle Shovel) who will be playing Skyrim live in the studio. By the time this post is up, it'll have been either a brilliant move of geekery or a complete, noisy disaster. We'll see! To go with the Skyrim idea, most of the show is Swords & Sorcery themed in both features and music. As usual, if you couldn't listen or understand the French interventions, here's the episode's playlist, with You-Tube links where available.
Intro tune: Doctor Who IX - Murray Gold
Talk to the Wookie - James Kochalka Superstar (one of Furn's claims to fame is a memorable improv in which he played a Wookie, so this is by way of introduction)
Geek News: The headlines included new movie trailers in the wake of the Superbowl and the controversy surrounding Ghost Rider's creator
Hara Kiri - Kevin McIntyre
Comics recommendation: Joe the Barbarian
Super Héros - Les Castafiores
Comics round-up: Basically a few of the week's tweeted comic book reviews.
Into the West - Annie Lennox
Movie recommendations: Furn and I list various good Sword & Sorcery films under various categories (epic, romance, spoof, pure cheese, etc.)
Rivendell - Rush
Geek Band: Quebec Medievalist prog rock band Bakküs whose one album, Avatar cannot be found on You-Tube but IS on GrooveShark.
Spectres - Bakküs
Venin - Bakküs
I Am Murloc - L70ETC
Geek 101: This week, I explain MMORPGs to the Mundanes, and follow it up with a little He-Man and the Masters of the Universe block:
He-Man Theme Song
What's Up - 4 Non Blondes (the original song HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA covers)
Goodbyes and your Doctor Who theme remix of the week:
The Doctor's Theme (for Amanda) - Matthew Jason Walsh
The show's on CKUM Radio every Saturday between 7 PM and 8:30 PM Atlantic Time (-4 GMT) on 93,5 FM in the Moncton area, or online, while capacity isn't exceeded, HERE.
Screencaps from Furn's Skyrim game
His challenge was to do the opening dungeon and dragon battle using only his FISTS, and in under 90 minutes too. Does he make it?
Why yes, yes he does. And only died once, during the dragon battle. Even time to spare to use PowerWord TableClear in the castle. Way to go Furn! And thanks for attempting this odd little feature on the radio show!
Follow "Geek Out"'s entire journey on Furn's Photobucket account.