Reign of the Supermen #497: Superman of the Year-ish

Source: Time Magazine (March 14, 1988)
Type: Other media
Not actually Time's Man of the Year in 1988, the mag still gave Superman their cover on the occasion of his 50th Anniversary, in the process creating a strange alt-version of the character that kind of upends the magazine's intent. For one thing, the skin tones are way off, both on the cover and in the panels chosen to reproduce for the article. Superman's 50, and while his Kryptonian constitution has kept wrinkles at bay, his skin's kind of gone into putrefaction. And he's not alone:
One of his friends has gone positively GREEN.

And the cover copy... Sheesh! This Superman KNOWS he's 50 years old, his powers are "supernatural" in origin, and look! He's losing the drug war! Whatever happened to fact-checking?!

Still, I thought you might get a kick out of some original John Byrne and Jerry Ordway art.


Delta said…
If you haven't done so, suggest that you check out Mr. Awesome in the first episode of The Awesomes on Hulu (link).
Siskoid said…
Impossible to watch from outside the United States, but I'll make a note of it and track it down.
Delta said…
Dangit. That and Quick Draw (also on Hulu) have been my favorite things to watch this summer. Both really fresh and clearly a work of love from the creators.