From "Superman Declares War on Reckless Drivers" by Siegel & Shuster, Action Comics #13 (June 1939)
He's gone bad! Haha. Though the splash panel shows something that never actually happens in the story, Superman DOES go over the edge after a friend is killed by a motorist. He barges into a radio station, pushes the announcer in the face, announces to Metropolis that he's going to crack down on bad drivers, and proceeds to do so with extreme measures! It may just be my favorite Superman story of the early Golden Age.
From Barry O'Neill: "The Suicide of Major Duval: Part 2" by Ed Winiarski, Adventure Comics #39 (June 1939)
Some millionaire playboy adventures DON'T go on to wear spandex. Such is the case of Barry O'Neill, who cut his teeth on a Yellow Peril enemy before moving on to other international criminals, and with his assistant Le Grand, becoming the "ace spy-smashing team of the French Intelligence Office" despite not being French himself. Barry premiered in New Fun Comics #1 in 1935, and after transferring over to Adventure, would last until its 60th issue in 1941. Not bad for a lesser light. Adventure Comics awaits its first costumed hero...
From Scribbly: "Introducing Ma Hunkel" by Sheldon Mayer, All-American Comics #3 (June 1939)
Ladies and gentlemen, we present the future Earth-2 Red Tornado, the only Red Tornado worth a damn.
Oh, I said it!
He's gone bad! Haha. Though the splash panel shows something that never actually happens in the story, Superman DOES go over the edge after a friend is killed by a motorist. He barges into a radio station, pushes the announcer in the face, announces to Metropolis that he's going to crack down on bad drivers, and proceeds to do so with extreme measures! It may just be my favorite Superman story of the early Golden Age.
From Barry O'Neill: "The Suicide of Major Duval: Part 2" by Ed Winiarski, Adventure Comics #39 (June 1939)
Some millionaire playboy adventures DON'T go on to wear spandex. Such is the case of Barry O'Neill, who cut his teeth on a Yellow Peril enemy before moving on to other international criminals, and with his assistant Le Grand, becoming the "ace spy-smashing team of the French Intelligence Office" despite not being French himself. Barry premiered in New Fun Comics #1 in 1935, and after transferring over to Adventure, would last until its 60th issue in 1941. Not bad for a lesser light. Adventure Comics awaits its first costumed hero...
From Scribbly: "Introducing Ma Hunkel" by Sheldon Mayer, All-American Comics #3 (June 1939)
Ladies and gentlemen, we present the future Earth-2 Red Tornado, the only Red Tornado worth a damn.
Oh, I said it!