Now starting on comics on the stands in March of 1940...
From Hop Harrigan: "Is Silas Crass Hop's Guardian?" by Jon L. Blummer, All-American Comics #14 (May 1940)
If you listened to the podcast yesterday, or even just look at the pictures, you will have come across a little something we dubbed "crotch fu", a series of moves designed to be as uncomfortable for the victim as it is for the aggressor. When did it start? In cave man times, I should think. But here's an early instance in comics, from aviation star Hop Harrigan. Bad guy's lucky he got "hopped" on the back and not the front.
But while the effect on the victim is pretty visceral, are there dangers for the fighter using such a move?
From Zatara: "The Magician Murder" by Gardner Fox and Fred Guardineer, Action Comics #24 (May 1940)
If you're not careful, a burning sensation can result, as presented in this Zatara PSA.
Regardless, both participants may want to douse themselves in water...
From Sandman: "Cold Cures and Crime" by Gardner Fox and Chad Grothkopf, Adventure Comics #49 (April 1940)
...just like a victim of the Sandman's sleep gas.
From Hawkman: "The Kidnapping of Ione Craig" by John Gardner Fox and Sheldon Moldoff, Flash Comics #5 (May 1940)
Hawkman says: It's just good hygiene.
From Hop Harrigan: "Is Silas Crass Hop's Guardian?" by Jon L. Blummer, All-American Comics #14 (May 1940)
If you listened to the podcast yesterday, or even just look at the pictures, you will have come across a little something we dubbed "crotch fu", a series of moves designed to be as uncomfortable for the victim as it is for the aggressor. When did it start? In cave man times, I should think. But here's an early instance in comics, from aviation star Hop Harrigan. Bad guy's lucky he got "hopped" on the back and not the front.
But while the effect on the victim is pretty visceral, are there dangers for the fighter using such a move?
From Zatara: "The Magician Murder" by Gardner Fox and Fred Guardineer, Action Comics #24 (May 1940)
If you're not careful, a burning sensation can result, as presented in this Zatara PSA.
Regardless, both participants may want to douse themselves in water...
From Sandman: "Cold Cures and Crime" by Gardner Fox and Chad Grothkopf, Adventure Comics #49 (April 1940)
...just like a victim of the Sandman's sleep gas.
From Hawkman: "The Kidnapping of Ione Craig" by John Gardner Fox and Sheldon Moldoff, Flash Comics #5 (May 1940)
Hawkman says: It's just good hygiene.