One Panel #443-445: Bring Up Baby and Other Beasties

From Zoro, the Mystery Man: "Zanelli, Duce of Racketeers" by Mac Raboy, Master Comics #18 (September 1941)

Every hero needs a pet, or sometimes just an animal assist. In Zoro (not Zorro)'s case, it's Cheeta (not Cheetah), his pet cheetah. (Spelling oddities aside, that's still better than Tarzan calling his pet chimp Cheetah, right? That always bugged me.)

From Radio Squad: "The Invisible Bandits" by Chad Grothkpf, More Fun Comics #72 (October 1941)

Sometimes, you can't afford a pet, say if you're a cop and not part of the K-9 unit. You just have to use what's on hand, like a criminal snake charmer's own snake!

From Zatara: "The Rival Ranchers" by Gardner Fox and Joseph Sulman, Action Comics #41 (October 1941)

And maybe you have the power to create pets out of thin air, or if you're Zatara, out of speeding bullets! I bet the Red Bee is jealous.
