WWDC: Doctor Who Canon - Use It or Lose It

In Wibbly Wobbly Dicey Wicey episode 2, Ryan Blake puts Doctor Who canon on trial with myself as one of the advocates. How do you use canon in your RPG? Do you use it? Abuse it? Or simply lose it completely? We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having the various strands of continuity in your game. Plus Part 2 of Ryan's exclusive interview with Cubicle 7!

Check it out at Episode Two - Canon - Use it or Lose it?


daft said…
It's always nice to hear references to your improv roots informing your RPG campaigns, Siskoid. :) Given your output over the years, you might have already broached the subject in some capacity, but an article about how improv skills can assist the humble RPG GM I'd personally find fascinating. :)
Siskoid said…
Interesting. You're right that I've spoken about it here and there, but not with this focus. I'll put in the pot and see what boils over.
Really glad to see that this podcast seems to be updating regularly, I can't get enough of people talking about DW roleplaying!
It might be on agenda already, but are there any plans to discuss running multi-genre campaigns? I'd love to hear you two going through general types of genres/stories/styles (heist, murder mystery, space opera) that Who has done/you've personally played, and discussing how to really nail the flavour in just a single 'adventure' (i.e. one story played across a small number of sessions)
Siskoid said…
Yes I believe there's something like that in the topic list. I can't give firm answers on the schedule, as there are several other partners involved and it depends on their schedule as much as mine or Ryan's.