Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Up next in The Search for Spock, Sarek comes looking for his son's katra, yielding THIS card...
EXPANSION: The Motion PicturesPICTURE: Placed visually in the same area of the picture as on his older self's card (from the Premiere Set), this Sarek is more interesting. His robes are richer and deeper, the lighting is much more dramatic, and that stuff on the wall behind him almost looks like psionic energy he's throwing around (cone-shaped as it is). A strong moment from the film too, I give it a cool 4.
LORE: Did we need to be told he was an ambassador when it's already in the title? Thankfully, it picks up from there, giving us his motivation for his role in Star Trek IV as well. Nicely packed, it covers most of his appearances in the films (ST VI is still missing). That's a 3.4.
TREK SENSE: He's very close to his older self, though of course he's a man of another time (as per his icons). Still an ambassador, he's a VIP with Diplomacy (and as a Vulcan, has Mindmeld). At this time though, even if he's well respected, he's not yet the legend that'll deserve Diplomacy x3. x2 isn't cause for complaint, of course. Steeped in interstellar law (this IS from ST VI), the Law skill applies and would have probably made it on the older Sarek if the skill existed in Premiere. Finally, we get a download for a Federation Treaty, many of which he negotiated, including it seems, the one with the Klingons. Works out well, though there are no real surprises. Integrity and Cunning have not changed between centuries. He's still a very honorable man who was trusted by the Klingons, of all people, and while you might think the later version's Bendii syndrome would have occluded his Cunning, and that therefore, this Sarek should get a higher score, remember that he's younger here. In essence, I could believe that he got wiser from this point, then dropped down again. At any rate, that's a problem with the older Sarek, since I don't think Cunning higher than 10 could be justified. The Strength is still quite high at this time, as Vulcans are very strong individuals and he wasn't too old just yet (if he lived another 70 years!), but being a pacifist, I'm not sure 7 really fits. A small point on an otherwise fine card: a 3.9.
STOCKABILITY: If you're running a Classic Film deck (or Vulcan deck), by all means, include Ambassador Sarek. He's got a useful double-dose of Diplomacy and the rare skill of Law. Attributes are sky-high too. Heck, you can use both Sareks together, since one is not a version of the other's persona. Both will report to Vulcan or for free directly to Amanda Grayson or at the Office of the President. But while this one doesn't have the extra multiple of Diplomacy his older self will possess, he's got a bit more going for him. I'm not just talking about Law either, or even about the much better STRENGTH (which will keep him alive for longer). I'm not even talking about the special download, since Open Diplomatic Negotiations does a better job of getting Treaties into play early (I simply cannot wait for Ambassador Sarek to be reported to combine my Fed and Klingon crews), though I do appreciate the flexibility of this download ("any" Fed Treaty). It's basically good as a back-up for Deviled Treaties, though even here, ODN can do the job (if not quite as fast or as cheaply). In CF decks, it's the icons that will make a difference, allowing him to report or download to ships. And these can be staffed just as well by Ambassador Sarek as the older one can staff regular ships with his Command icon. There are a couple of trade-offs, but I think you win using Ambassador Sarek over his Premiere self, though again, you can use both in your Diplomacy deck. Comparative analysis aside, he'll work well in some decks, but doesn't bring a whole lot to the table that we didn't have before in most situations. 3.5 should do.
TOTAL: 14.8 (74%) At this pace, I should get to the other Sarek in about 70 years. ;-)