One Panel #732-733: Whiz Bangs

From Ibis the Invincible: "The Black Witch!" by Bob Hebberd, Whiz Comics #36 (October1942)

Captain Marvel might HEADLINE Whiz Comics, but he's not the only feature... Two issues of Whiz were on the stands October 1942 (a quirk of the release schedule, one early in the month, the other late), and the first of these certainly had October-centric stories, which is to say, Halloween-based. Since Ibis is a wizard and deals with the occult, he was perfect for this, but the issue also had pumkin-shaped blurbs and a Shazam story called "The Haunted Halloween Hotel".

From Colonel Porterhouse: "The Wee Folk" by George Storm, Whiz Comics #37 (November 1942)

And while the Big Red Cheese is only in the first story, other strips did sometimes call the lightning and capitalize on his popularity. Like, for example, Colonel Porterhouse, a humor character who reads an issue of Whiz to his nephews and turns himself into CAPTAIN Porterhouse. Did he serve as inspiration for Uncle Marvel? I wonder...
