What a Card: Now Would Be a Good Time

Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Next, Chekov hits the nuclear wessels...

EXPANSION: The Motion Pictures

PICTURE: The depth of field here is the mark of the quality of the movies over that of television episodes. Colors are pretty neutral, but the amount of detail makes it work nonetheless. A funny moment too, great expression... A 3.7.

LORE: The story's well told within the space provided (note the mention of that other Enterprise), and they even find a way to drop in a joke at the end, in that classic STCCG dry humor. Nice title, too. A 3.9.

TREK SENSE: The local antagonists are converging on your Away Team's position, so your ship or facility gets a call to beam them all up (so you need Transporter Skill on your ship or nearby facility, duh). If you don't, those enemy forces capture one personnel, which may mean that these forces are in the service of the opposing affiliation, or that this affiliation can trade with the locals for the prisoner when they arrive to escort it. In ST IV, Chekov managed to run for it, but was captured. In the game, the entire Away Team makes a break for it, and all but one get away, as there's some kind of interference or mechanical trouble. That's a bit of a cheat, but it's ok. What's not so ok is that the capture is opponent's choice. I believe that, in such a situation, you'd get who you could, possibly the slowest of the group. That's the only real black mark on an otherwise fine effect. A 3.8.

SEEDABILITY: Like Crisis, this dilemma requires your opponent to keep a personnel aboard ship during a planet mission attempt. That's not always on your mind unless you've scanned the location, though there's no reason to bring Transporter Skill on planet missions as far as dilemmas go (2E does bring in Close Call and Whisper in the Dark, but Transporter Skill has alternatives). Missions like Liberation, Mine Dilithium, Rescue Prisoners, Restock Supplies, and Restore Victims do require it though, so you might get a lucky seeding location. If it hits, the mission attempt ends ("unless"), and one personnel is captured. Your choice too! That's excellent, but you need to get there quick to escort the captive before it's freed by the unstopped Away Team. Get there fast (or play Brainwash as fast as you can, etc.). Transporter Skill or not, the beaming must be legal, so Atmospheric Ionization, Distortion Field, Particle Scattering Beam and Transport Inhibitor could be useful pollution here, and the Kazon would be in trouble. And with the skill being rather rare, and personnel only seldom left aboard ships or facilities during mission attempts, you get a solid chance of stopping a mission attempt and getting your choice of capture. Even when it doesn't hit, there's a small delay as the Away Team has to beam away and back. Here again, pollution cards can slow things down even more. A strong 3.8.

TOTAL: 15.2 (76%) Good cards... good times.
