Who's This? An exotic dancer with cat-like grace.
The facts: She's the sexy cat girl from the Omega Men comics. What more can we say? Well, she appeared in issue 4 (July 1983) and died in Invasion! #1 (December 1988). She and Tigorr were a couple for a brief while, but he eventually rejected her, so she left the team (see what happened then, below), though she returned at the end of volume 1 in time to get killed by the alien alliance. Of course, she and several others were resurrected as Darkstars for a 2007 Omega Men series, where she eventually adopts the name Nimbus in honor of the original.How you could have heard of her: If you've read this issue of Who's Who, you remember this entry. Cough, cough.
Example story: Omega Men #32 (November 1985), "Nightlife" by Todd Klein and Dan Spiegle
So Felicity has returned to Karna, from where she taken as a child and sold into servitude. At the Las Vegas of the Vega system, she hopes to make some kind of living as a dancer. But after one night in any given bar, she's fired for not showing enough fur. She's on her way to her third job, at the very self-awarely titled Thom's Scratching Post when she finds a kitten, left by a mother cat running from cops hunting the mangy thing. Yes, of course the Planet of the Cat People have normal cats. We have apes, don't we? As Felicity later gets up upon the bar, she gets a big sexy splash page - sorry, we don't need that, you have the Who's Who entry to keep you warm already. But again, Felicity refuses to go all the way and give them a "fur show".
Note the one human in the place, he and his ugly mug is at the very bottom of the social pole on Karna, but he does react to Felicity being called an Omega Man by the announcer. He follows her home, armed with a kind of fork thing - a replacement for claws - and finds that she has none. She and her new kitten are homeless. But he's not there to rob her. Instead he invites her to his place and makes a deal that he'll act as her agent, teach her what to do to make money at it without compromising herself, just teasing you understand, and share his place with her. In exchange, they put the money in a common kitty to buy a shuttle out of there. Let the first lesson commence!
As her rise to money and fame on the local scene proceeds apace, murders are being committed in town, murders that leave their victims with claw marks too deep for those of cat-people. We of course are led to think the killer is "Mung". The body count grows and Felicity shows more and more fur if you ask me.
When the duo have made all the money they need, the other shoe drops. Mung is some kind of space cowboy bounty hunter who calls himself Bedlam, and he wants Felicity's head!
Is he from Terra-Man's planet or something? He doesn't just threaten her. He smacks the kitty around and tries to force Felicity to eat it. At which point it's mother jumps through the window and onto his back and the cops barge in and shoot him. He'll live to face justice, apparently, but the momma cat is dead. The cops find the claw fork on him and deduce that he's the killer. The mystery meat in the kitchen (which the kitten was just digging on earlier) is from one of the victims too. So Felicity gets all the shuttle and leaves the planet with her adopted kitten. But something nags at the detective.
See, Tigorr is the last "regressor" (or were-cat) as it's evolved out of these people. Certainly, Felicity has never shown signs of being a regressor. But they were so sure it WAS a regressor doing the killing. Who could have imagined a human with a big fork? But what does Felicity mean when she says she "kept finding [herself] doing things [she] should have been ashamed of"? That "Karna does something to [her] [she] doesn't understand"? Fur shows? Or something more sinister? Like, why WOULD Bedlam keep a slab of meat from one of his victims? Felicity is surprised to find it in the fridge, so if she's a were-cat, she doesn't remember. Can we be sure she didn't do it?
Well, despite that enigmatic ending, the story thread was never picked up again. Good enough for me!
Who's Next? A wizard with JLA finger puppets.