What a Card: Edo Vessel

Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. There are four cards from "Justice", so let's keep going with the Edo stuff...

EXPANSION: Alternate Universe

PICTURE: It's a nice image, more for a station than a ship (the model was also used, more solidly, as the station in "Conundrum"), capturing perfectly the "half in, half out of our universe" nature of the vessel. Very different from other cards of this type. I give it a cool 3.9.

LORE: Tells the story adequately, and adds a quote that helps to understand the rather unusual special ability of the ship. Rather workmanlike otherwise. Unknown class, eh? A 3.5.

TREK SENSE: The hardest thing to swallow is how this thing can be used as a ship, even considering the AU icon. I can't for the life of me imagine this thing being driven around by Governor Worf or Rachel Garrett, not to mention that regular staff personnel! What's it like inside? This thing really belongs in the dilemma or event category. There's real effort in the design, I'll give 'em that. The half in, half out ship is only hit by WEAPONS 50% of the time, though I'd wager the real Edo Vessel could not be hit at all. Its actual SHIELDS are a paltry 8 to boot? Seemed tougher than that. The RANGE is consistent with a ship that stayed in orbit for the better part of a millennium. The WEAPONS are very high, as I'm sure they could've blown the Enterprise out of the sky. 10 might not even be enough. A messy 0.8.

STOCKABILITY: Limited in ability, it used to be somewhat useful as a battle ship. Its WEAPONS were high, and it was a little more difficult to hit that most. Problem was, and still is, its RANGE is ridiculously low so it can't give chase, and it's a little hard to staff. Not bad as a stationary ship to protect a facility. Why don't I consider it much of a battle ship today? Because with the large number of strong ships and Captain's Log, ships regularly get their SHIELDS over 10. Edo Vessel, meanwhile, doesn't have a matching commander, nor will it ever. Easily skippable at 2.1.

TOTAL: 10.3 (51.5%) A clear example of design over usefulness.
