One Panel #807: Open Season on Shoeshine Boys

From The Atom: "The Atom Went to Town", by Ted Udall and Joe Gallagher, All-American Comics #48 (March 1943)

Get out of the road!*

I am writing this in mid-December (just getting ahead of the Holidays and the improv tour I mentioned in a past post), and I am bummed that we live in a world where I can't know in advance if this won't be triggering because some poor demonstrator got rammed by an psychotic driver who will be somehow be exonerated in court.

Let's hope not, but it's not good that it has EVER happened, no matter the distance.

*The Atom saves the kid's life.


Dick McGee said…
If nothing else, the odds of your hypothetical protestor being an actual shoeshine boy are vanishingly small in this day and age.
Siskoid said…
With everything's that's happening, I'd say our society is scuffed.