What a Card: Extraction

Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. I'm resisting any kind of Too Short a Mission jokes on these. Where's my medal?


PICTURE: With a name like that, I'm glad to see the planet is a crevassed fiery hades. Excellent match-up of name-to-pic (since Cerebus was never on screen), because Cerebus sounds a lot like Cerberus. For those who need a refresher course, Cerberus was the mythological three-headed dog who guarded the underworld according to the ancient Greeks. Cerebus, however, is Dave Sim's aardvark barbarian comic book series. I don't know how it got on there, but were the writers fans? A fine and forbidding 4.1.

LORE: A simple "here" at the end of that sentence might have made the whole thing tighter. Otherwise, it's an okay description of what Admiral Jameson must've done prior to the events featured in "Too Short a Season". A 2.9 from me here.

TREK SENSE: With the word "acquire" in the lore, this one cries out for a Ferengi icon, but that wasn't possible yet. In fact, why should it be the Romulans who are set to acquire this drug? They must already be about as long-lived as the Vulcans! Obviously dangerous and illegal, I don't think the Feds should try for it either. Fearing death isn't the Klingon way. Well, except for the Non-Aligned mercenaries, I don't see many of the original affiliations actually attempting this mission, especially from affiliated ships (and ESPECIALLY Starfleet). The Romulans'll do, but their participation is as dubious as anyone else's. Acquisition isn't required (but then, the Romulans don't have any Acquisitive personnel anyway), but Treachery is (the drug is illegal and secret), as is Biology/Medical because it is, after all, a pharmaceutical. The Span and points look fine to me, but overall, the card doesn't do that good a job recreating the episode's events. A 3, but that's it.

SEEDABILITY: Only the Dominion can spy on the Romulans, so a Romulan-only mission is one of the hardest to steal, barring any interference from turncoats such as Major Rakal or Koval. 35 point is a good bounty, and all you need is Vakis to get all three skills, or you can go for two mission specialists to bring the points up to 45 (Selok and Mopak). The Romulans don't have the best MEDICAL staff in the quadrant, so it's not a great mission for them, but the inclusion of Treachery easily slides it into a deck based on the very common skill. I'd say 3.5.

TOTAL: 13.5 (67.5%) What, no teeth pulling?
