The Last Word in Socks

Leaving the Golden Age Blue Beetle behind as MC of Bahlactus' Friday Night Fights' Siskoid Chapter, we turn our attention to the greatest socking villain of them all: Argh!Yle.But he's finally met his match. Except it's not another sock. It's DC Comics itself:
That's what I call TERMINAL KOCKOUT!


De said…
I know it's from one of the brilliant Ambush Bug installments, but I'm blanking on which one.

Still friggin' hilarious though.
SallyP said…
Where oh where do you FIND these things?

Marc Burkhardt said…
See, it's all John Byrne's fault!
Siskoid said…
Sally: This time, the Son of Ambush Bug mini-series #4, which itself comes from the fevered mind of Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Fleming.

I wonder, will the upcoming Ambush Bug project given DC incentive to reprint the 80s Bug stuff in trade?