Star Trek 1377: Spock: Reflections, Issue 2

1377. Spock: Reflections, Issue 2

PUBLICATION: Star Trek: Spock - Reflections #2, IDW Comics, August 2009

CREATORS: Scott Tipton and David Tipton (writers), David Messina (artist)

STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue; flashbacks occur 100 and 120 years earlier)

PLOT: Conversation with a talkative passenger causes Spock to reflect on his part. He recalls returning to the Enterprise purged of emotion and seeing Dr. Christine Chapel for the first time since he'd left, and a mission aboard Pike's Enterprise in which he was almost killed when he fell through a small, man-made wormhole. We discover he's returning to Earth on a message from Picard about an old friend that has returned, but died...

CONTINUITY: Chapel had become a doctor by The Motion Picture. Spock's early Enterprise days flashback features Pike and Tyler (The Cage). Pike reported to Commodore Mendez (The Menagerie) back then.


REVIEW: With the short Pike-related story, we finally get an action plot, flimsy though it is. Not that I need action from a series called Reflections, and indeed, the quiet bit between Spock and Chapel was the stronger piece of the issue for me. As for the "old friend" Spock is talking about, it sounds like it should be Kirk, but that's only true if it took about a year for the message to get to Romulus. Entirely possible, and seeing Spock at Kirk's second funeral would be a significant place to end the mini.


hey Siskoid, what did you think of the latest Star Trek film? i love the cast but the story line was pretty messed up with the confusing time travel and Uhura/Spock romance curve ball.
Siskoid said…
Look for it. There's a full review for it.
well i'd love to read it and give some feed back. i thought i might find it around the month/s on your blog in which the movie debuted last year. maybe it's because i rode the short bus to school but i'm not having any luck so far. can i trouble you to steer me in the right direction?
so i was right to look for it under the month of May last year. but i didn't recognize the posting title you had it under as being the new Star Trek film review. thanks for helping me out with that, i left a laundry list of reasons why i didn't like the film in your comments section if your interested.
Siskoid said…
Yes, I get notices for every response to every post, so really, no need to cross-post such alerts.
you did tell me about that before i got a little over zealous. sorry about that i'll be more mindfull in the future.