Year 4

Yep, Siskoid's Blog of Geekery is celebrating its 4th anniversary today. 1461 days, 3085 posts, and thousands of comments (thanks all), and I've no wish to stop anytime soon.

Year 4 Highlights
-I suppose the biggest thing is the end of daily Star Trek reviews. The feature started at the same time as the blog as a way to make sure I blogged every day (I shouldn't have worried), and outlasted the various television series by two years. 50 days ago, I got through all the comics and am now doing new IDW issues or, as time permits, novels only from time to time. I'm glad for the break, honestly.
-Taking the daily slot is Reign of the Supermen, which attempts to give you a different version of Superman every day, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I have absolutely no doubt that I won't run out of Supermen before Year 5 closes out.
-What If? did indeed become the regular Saturday feature, replacing Rom Spaceknight, and I've already gone through all of the original series and have started on the second. Other new and more recent features include examinations of Dial H's throwaway characters, the return of Amalgamondays in which DC and Marvel characters duke it out, and a sudden obsession with Battle Shovels (and shovel battles). Retro-Comics, which looks at contemporary comics done up in an older style, need me to do follow-ups; I haven't abandoned them.
-Though I've neglected the role-playing side of things lately, Year 4 had plenty to offer, both through generic articles, and thanks to my running three different games over the course of the last 12 months - Doctor Who, Savage Worlds/Evernight, and DC Adventures.
-According to Google Analytics, my daily hit count went up dramatically this year, from the low 300s to the low 400s, much of it thanks to traffic going to a post entitled "Who Is River Song?". I understand a lot of Doctor Who viewers are asking or trying to answer that question, and the comments are still growing. 57 (and counting?) is a personal best, well ahead of the thirtysomething that is the previous record.
-Not to say that the series of Sexiest Women in SF postings didn't up the hit count, because it did. Those are the kinds of posts that keep on giving. For example, I still get at least a dozen hits a day about the Topless She-Hulk FF story I reviewed in 2008.

What's Next?
-Reign is still in its relative infancy, so that's certainly going to play a huge role at the Blog of Geekery for the next year at least.
-What If? has enough issues to carry us through Year 5 as well, though format changes in the book during the 90s might make me drop out before the end of 2011. I plan on sticking it out, but you never know.
-Otherwise, I pledge to do more of the features you liked and fewer of those you didn't. It's always hard to gauge what new obsession I'll fall prey to over the course of an entire year (shovels? really?), but you'll know when it happens.

So thanks again for stopping by on occasion during the last four years, and here's to a productive Year 5! Starts tomorrow!


Tim Knight said…
Wow! Four years? That makes you a veteran round these 'ere parts. Congratulations and here's to many more :-)
snell said…
Keep up the good work, and get to work on your new series examining every shape Plastic Man has ever used (just a suggestion).
Siskoid said…
Haha! I like it! Putting it in the brain for future study!
Moriarty said…
Congrats on four great years. Your blog is one of my daily stops and I look forward to swinging by for many years to come!
Jamdin said…
Congratulations on reaching the four year anniversary and thanks so much for the wonderful posts.
De said…
Congratulations, good sir. Yours is one of the few sites I visit daily without fail.
congratulations on your 4 year anniversary. less then a year ago i didn't even know blogging had been around that long. is a review of "What If Captain Marvel had not died" going to be on the future agenda?
Michael May said…
Congratulations! Here's to another year of your entertaining me every day. :)
Siskoid said…
Since I'm doing all the What Ifs in order, that story will of course be reviewed.
Diabolu Frank said…
Cheers! May I never catch up with you!
stan m.d. said…
Congrats! This is a daily must read for me. Great work!

P.S. I also love the CCG.
Radagast said…
Got here via the CCG, but it's definitely a daily stop now. (I even stop by Hyperion when there's a Tennant entry.)

Keep it up, good sir! Excellent stuff!
Siskoid said…
Thanks all. Plus Radagast is an old pal from the Decipher boards where you could say I got my start.

Rad, didja hear Sylvester McCoy was going to play you in the Hobbit movie?
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on 4 years! I'm sure your alternate-reality self is also enjoying 4 years of blogging about Star Wars, Elseworlds, The Quartermass Experiment, and,er, not role-playing ever . And has a goatee.

- Mike Loughlin
philip said…
When I saw the women of SF post I realized you were an SEO genius and wanted to high-five you.
Siskoid said…
Mike: For sure, Bizarro-Siskoid can grow facial hair.

Philip: I wish I was, but you'll be happy to know that was a deliberate ploy and it worked!
Solomon said…
Congratulations on reaching this milestone from a regular reader and seldom commenter. Fingers crossed that Micronauts makes it to the top of your review pile one of these days.
Radagast said…
Mike: You haven't seen my user title on GB? ;)
Bully said…
Happy blogoversary to the hardest workin' man in comicsbloggerdom!
Siskoid said…
I could say the same about you! I've always been envious of your research skills.
MOCK! said…
Congrats! And thank you for endless links to add to my comic book collection software....
Siskoid said…
What do you mean? Do you index your books with relevant blog articles about them?
MOCK! said…
I do indeed!

Any time I stumble across an article or story about a comic in my collection, I can link it directly to that issue in my database.

So all of the "Reign of the Supermen" that I have, or the "What If"s, or when Bully does his "365 Days with Hank McCoy" I link them all....
MOCK! said…
...and when I discovered Snell, Jamdin and some of the others, I added them to Google Reader and link the relevant articles....
MOCK! said…
...and obsessive!
Siskoid said…
Well, pots and kettles can't possibly call each other black.
googum said…
I didn't say congratulations yet? Asleep at the wheel! Your blog is still one of the first I check every day! Hoping for years to come, and thanks!
Austin Gorton said…
A (highly belated) congrats on four years! I know I disappeared 'round here for awhile, but I'm back, and getting caught up.

Looking forward to what lies ahead!