Ronald Reagan is a popular figure in 1980s comics, and while he has his detractors (as we saw last week), he also has his appreciators, as an anonymous commenter proved when he sent me this from Uncanny X-Men #201 (1986):
I bet this is one incident he won't be mentioning to Nancy! He just has to make sure the Secret Service wipes Rogue's lipstick off Air Force One's window before he takes his wife anywhere with it. Let's hope he doesn't forget while he's meeting with... Mystique?! Ronnie's problems are just beginning!
I bet this is one incident he won't be mentioning to Nancy! He just has to make sure the Secret Service wipes Rogue's lipstick off Air Force One's window before he takes his wife anywhere with it. Let's hope he doesn't forget while he's meeting with... Mystique?! Ronnie's problems are just beginning!
I had forgotten that Reagan has a cameo in this issue.
(It's not being prudish. It's just something I really don't get with her personality. Skin on skin contact is literally dangerous.)
I suppose from Rogue's point of view, it's probably the safest she can get, hanging with the X-Men in her bathing gear. At least, everyone is aware of the risk...
Of course, Rogue was in the outfield, which is a good position for a flyer, and well away from most other players. When the team goes on the offense, do you dare try to tag Rogue out?
And yeah, cheesecake does outweigh logic, which is something Claremont was no stranger to.